Buy and Sell Equestrian & Country goods

Buy and Sell Equestrian & Country goods

Buy and Sell Equestrian & Country goods 150 150 katesheppard

Our Pre Loved / 2nd hand department is proving popular 😊 so much so we’ve extended the range we’re taking… all items must be in excellent, fit for purpose and clean condition. We are taking to sell on your behalf with a 40% commission the following items

Equestrian/Country Footwear

Equestrian/Country Clothing

Horse Rugs



Saddle pads


Horse boots

➡️ We are selective… our customers do not want to buy your rubbish. Please don’t take offense if an item is refused

➡️ Yes we take 40% of the sale. This covers the VAT that we pay on the sale, card processing fees and yes we are here to make money! But you will make more!

➡️ Yes there is paperwork to complete, so please don’t expect to drop and run!

➡️ Go sort your items… got stuff to sell? We’ve got customers that want to buy!