Latest News

Clearance Category

Clearance Category 150 150 katesheppard

We have now added our Clearance Category to the website! Now you only have to look in one place for our absolute best bargain prices! Because it’s all in one place you might find footwear for you, a rug for your horse. Keep checking as products will come and go quickly

We’ve made it to 2020

We’ve made it to 2020 150 150 katesheppard

Happy New Year! It’s January and that can only mean one thing! time to start a fresh. It won’t be long and our new clothing collections will be starting to arrive. Today we are putting together our SALES lists! so over the next couple of days I’ll have square eye’s making sure the website is all up to date with our clothing SALE! exciting times.

Horses In Health & Motion 2019

Horses In Health & Motion 2019 820 312 katesheppard

Join us at Golden Cross Equestrian Center on Sunday 24th of November 2019. Enjoy displays by Penny Sangster, Kirsty Mepham & Jason Webb

Talks by industry professionals, Spillers, Dengie & Cliffe Equine

Have a wonder around our exhibition village and chat to the representatives from feed and supplement suppliers.

Tickets are available through Eventbrite or in store at The Equine Warehouse Unit 7 Malling Industrial Estate, Lewes BN7 2BY

Honey Chop Teams up with Allen & Page at The Equine Warehouse.

Honey Chop Teams up with Allen & Page at The Equine Warehouse. 150 150 katesheppard

Come into store on Wednesday the 14th of August to meet our reps from Honey Chop and Allen & Page. They will be happy to discuss any feeding queries that you may have, perhaps your looking for alternative forages for the coming Autumn. Maybe you have horse or pony with energy issues, too little, too much?