Latest News

GFS Harmony & Simplicity Bridles are on SALE

GFS Harmony & Simplicity Bridles are on SALE 150 150 katesheppard

The GFS Harmony and Simplicity Bridles have been added to the Clearance for the Horse category. Reduced from £99.99 to £69.99 complete with two browbands and reins, this is super price for a lot of lovely bridle

Feeding a Vitamin & Mineral Balanced Fibre Diet

Feeding a Vitamin & Mineral Balanced Fibre Diet 150 150 katesheppard

Feed a balanced diet the way your horses digestive system would want you to

If you have been into the Equine Warehouse recently you will see that over time we have reduced the quantities of “traditional mix and cube hard feeds” We still very much have a range of them, but the number of bags has been reduced due to customer demand falling. This is something that we are really excited about. Our customers are making informed decisions to make sure they are not only meeting horses Vitamin and Mineral requirements they are smashing there horses fibre dietry targets too.

A balanced diet plays a key role in supporting long-term health and well-being. On the flip side, an unbalanced diet may contribute to many issues including poor hoof quality, a dull listless coat or a compromised immune system. There are a number of feeds on the market which contain a full complement of vitamins and minerals. When fed at the recommended amount alongside suitable forage, these feeds will provide a balanced diet without the need for a vitamin and mineral supplementor balancer. SPILLERS™ Ulca Fibre is one such feed. Complete with added vitamins and minerals, it can be fed as full or partial replacement for compound feed (mix or cubes). If used as a complete replacement for mix/cubes the recommended feeding rate for a horse or pony in light work is 600g per 100kg of bodyweight per day. For example,3kg per day for 500kg horse.The short chopped fibre in SPILLERS Ulca Fibre helps to increase chewing time and inturn, salvia production. Saliva provides a natural buffer to stomach acid but unlikepeople, horses only produce saliva when they chew. Short chopped fibre also formsa protective ‘fibre mat’ on top of the stomach contents, thus helping to preventstomach acid splashing up onto the non-protected (squamous)region of thestomach where it can increase the risk of ulcers forming.

Join our Loyalty scheme to earn points and rewards as you spend. Points will turn into £'s to spend in store

New Loyalty Scheme

New Loyalty Scheme 1080 1080 katesheppard

Redeem or Return! February 2023 will see the old stamp cards come to an end. Last date for redeeming will be 28.02.2023

Do you have one, two or maybe even more of the old stamp cards nestled away in a wallet or purse? Now is the time to bring them into store. You should either redeem (see the card for terms and conditions) them or exchange them for points on our new loyalty app scheme.

New Loyalty Scheme has been launched. We are excited to say that our long awaited and very much updated Loyalty Scheme has successfully launched. In conjunction with the very popular Goodies app that is available to download to both Apple and Android smart phones.

Why sign up to our Loyalty Scheme?

Each time you spend in our shop you will collect points, these points over time will turn into £’s you can spend in store against any product.

There will be rewards and incentives detailed on the app.

The app will direct you straight to our website and Facebook page

The app will store all your receipts in one safe place.

Embroidery Service from Fingerprint Design & Embroidery

Embroidery Service from Fingerprint Design & Embroidery 150 150 katesheppard

11th May 2022

We are loving our new professional embroidery machines! They are fantastic. We’ve taken on all manner of embroidery jobs for customers. Promotional & branded clothing for other small business. Individual names and designs on both clothing and saddle pads. These have made some lovely Birthday and Christmas presents. We’ve recently helped local events produce individually branded clothing for them to sell on to raise much needed funds for the charities close to their hearts. This month we have orders coming through thick and fast for much awaited Jubilee celebrations


Blog 150 150 katesheppard

11th May 2022. Our new opening hours seem to have gone down well with our customers. FYI we close at 3pm now on a Saturday. Monday – Friday we are still here for you 9am -5pm. I love that almost everyone of our lovely customers comments about closing earlier on Saturday included “good for you, why not, I hope it means your riding your horse”? Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up with running the business and forget that actually I have a massive thing in common with my customers…. WE LOVE our HORSES! It’s easy to be blinded by the boring / essential stuff of the business. Today I wandered around the shop and tried to be a customer! I found some lovely items that I imagined will look fab on my horse, there were a couple of items of clothing I really liked, they have inspired me to crack on with diet and exercise plan … lol … I also found some gaps on the shelves where I thought we were missing products. So the next job on the list after I’ve finished uploading the latest Aubrion Clothing collection will be to do some shopping! 

We are back to normal!

We are back to normal! 150 150 katesheppard

September 2020 has arrived and we are gearing up for Autumn Winter both in store and online. We have resumed our pre covid hours of Monday – Saturday 9am – 5pm. Rug washing and Clipper servicing departments have seen a last minute rush. We are loving unpacking all our new stock. The endless wonder of where we are going to fit it all in a our shop keeps us well amused. Customers never let us down though and the favorite items are often bought straight out of the box!

Covid -19 Update

Covid -19 Update 150 150 katesheppard

We are operating as close to normal as we can. We have decided to stop Riding Hat & Body Protector fittings as this is impossible within the 2m government social distancing guidelines.

We are stocked with our usual feed, bedding & supplements, we are still taking regular deliveries. Suppliers are not yet reporting any issues within the supply or transport chain. We are making every effort to continue to apply disinfectant around the store where ever possible. Feed & Bedding deliveries are still very much a key focus for us. For anyone in isolation and worried about supplying feed etc for their horse we encourage you to get in touch so that we can discuss your needs and help where at all possible. – Stay safe, 2m apart and most of all where possible enjoy the sunshine! Us Equestrians certainly deserve it after the Winter we have had!

BETA – Trade Fair

BETA – Trade Fair 150 150 katesheppard

On Monday we took a trip to the NEC for the British Equestrian Trade Fair. Lots to see. Why did we do this? We want to stay as up to date as possible. We want our store to bring the latest innovations.

A New saddle range has been launched. Coming from the same stable as Bates & Wintec Saddles we already feel super confident with this range! We know you’re going to love them!

Feeding Fibre to horses has always been our passion. We also understand that feeding grass based feeds to some horses and ponies can be difficult with certain health problems. Emerald Green Feeds is going to fill help solve these problems for you. This means that we will now be able to provide you with a low protein grass pellet among other options.

Our children’s foot wear has been a small range. We will now be able to offer a wider choice to you including a Children’s long leather / synthetic boot that we are sure will fit most budgets.