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Buy and Sell Equestrian & Country goods

Buy and Sell Equestrian & Country goods 150 150 katesheppard

Our Pre Loved / 2nd hand department is proving popular 😊 so much so we’ve extended the range we’re taking… all items must be in excellent, fit for purpose and clean condition. We are taking to sell on your behalf with a 40% commission the following items

Equestrian/Country Footwear

Equestrian/Country Clothing

Horse Rugs



Saddle pads


Horse boots

➡️ We are selective… our customers do not want to buy your rubbish. Please don’t take offense if an item is refused

➡️ Yes we take 40% of the sale. This covers the VAT that we pay on the sale, card processing fees and yes we are here to make money! But you will make more!

➡️ Yes there is paperwork to complete, so please don’t expect to drop and run!

➡️ Go sort your items… got stuff to sell? We’ve got customers that want to buy!

3rd live forum evening 20th January 2025

3rd Live Forum Evening 20th January 2025

3rd Live Forum Evening 20th January 2025 1000 1000 katesheppard

Our Live forum evenings at The Equine Warehouse have been really popular. It’s been lovely to have everyone get together to discuss and learn. These evenings have come about to give our customers the chance to ask questions and to learn from both Charlie and I. Often we can all get caught up scrolling on our screens looking for answers, taking in snippets of information, not always knowing who we are taking advice from.

Christmas Opening Times 2024

Christmas Opening Times 2024 150 150 katesheppard
Christmas Opening Hours 2024
Christmas Opening Hours 2024

Second Hand Department Opening at The Equine Warehouse

Second Hand Department Opening at The Equine Warehouse 150 150 katesheppard

Yep we’re opening a second hand department at The Equine Warehouse. Let’s join forces to reap the benefits of the wonderful community found at The Equine Warehouse. A shop like mine is made by it’s customers. Without customers shops have no reason to open. The Equine Warehouse is a shop for you the customers, so I hope with the addition of the new 2nd hand department it will continue to benefit everyone. Bring your items in that you no longer need or want. The Equine Warehouse will sell your items working on a 40% commission. We will then display your items with their new preloved retail price. You will be paid by bank transfer within 7 working days of your item selling. Looking to buy second hand items? It will be just like buying any other item in store!

When you bring your items into the shop we will complete an inventory list with you. You will be given a copy of this to take away with you. We insist that all items taken are clean, safe and in good working order, If they do not meet this criteria than I’m afraid they will be refused.

In the first instance we are happy to take the following items

Rugs, Bits, Saddle Pads, Horse Boots, Girths and Bridles.

Get tidying out those tack rooms!

HackWear HiViz Sport T

HackWear HiViz Sport T 150 150 katesheppard

HackWear HiViz Sport T’s

HackWear  Hiviz sport T’s are available in Yellow, Orange and Pink. All three colours are super bright. Be safe horse riding. Hi viz outdoor wear is essential for any outdoor activities.

Being safe is to be seen. Wearing a bright colour will allow other road users or people within the area to spot you. A Hiviz sport T is the ideal clothing attire during the warmer weather. The light weight fabric makes exercising more comfortable. Comfortable and safe, the ideal combination of important factors when choosing your out door wear. Ideal for Horse Riding, Running, Cycling, Dog walking…
The perfect Hacking T – light weight, breathable, soft and super super bright – no need to wear additional Hi Viz over one of these!
HackWear Brand labeled.A T shirt designed to keep you cool, comfortable and most importantly of all SEEN. Making yourself visible to others around you dramatically improves your level of safety. Horse riding, running, cycling or walking. This HackWear HiViz sport T

TopSpec Lite Balancer is on SALE

TopSpec Lite Balancer is on SALE 150 150 katesheppard

For the month of August TopSpec Lite Balancer is available at the reduced price of £18.20

As you can imagine this is a hugely popular offer…It is available for the whole month. Please do get in touch if you would like to reserve stock.

Let your horse lick their way to a balanced diet

Let your horse lick their way to a balanced diet 150 150 katesheppard

There is so much more in a tub lick than you think.

Licks are often given to horses to alleviate boredom during hours in the stable. Think about the action of licking, encouraging the horse and giving the horse additional opportunity to lick in itself is of benefit to both digestive and mental health.

Licking and chewing encourages calmness and relaxation. As a result of the licking and chewing saliva is produced. The production of saliva is essential for a healthy digestive system. Saliva is a natural buffer and lubricant. Gastric tissues that are well covered in saliva will always be much happier. Unlike humans, horses can only produce saliva during the licking and chewing process. Another reason why horses should always have access to forage.

Providing our horses with an almost endless supply of forage should be our first thought when it comes to planning their diets.

What is forage? Forage is grass, hay, haylage & straw. Typically forage achieved by providing turnout in fields of grass and then hay or haylage when there is no grass available. Next you must consider how you will supplement that forage to provide a balanced diet. A balanced diet is a diet that meets all the horses vitamin, mineral, protein and energy requirements.

Lets just focus on vitamin, mineral & protein. Energy additions to the diet must only be added to meet ridden work.

Most leisure horses and ponies do not need additional energy added to their diet. Remember that when energy is eaten but not used by the body during exercise, that unused energy becomes fat. That fat will NOT become muscle.

So how will you balance your horses diet without additional energy (calories)?

Let them lick their way to a balanced diet. Let them benefit from the essential licking and chewing action and saliva production, whilst taking in all the additional vitamins and minerals.

A lick will promote a trickle feeding pattern for your horse, feeding in the most natural way possible will help your horses digestive system to operate with maximum efficiency. Like with any new feed, introduce the lick gradually some horses will appear greedy and like they won’t ever stop licking, they will. Allow regular access to the lick, once your happy your horse is over the initial novelty of the lick allow free access where ever possible. I leave the lick in my horses stable. Your horse should be allowed to self regulate the consumption of the lick by having access to it where ever possible.

We have a wide range of licks in store that will also provide additional supplementation to meet specific health requirements, Joint, Respiratory, Hoof & Skin. There are licks designed to support specific nutritional needs. We are more than happy to discuss your horses individual requirements, pop in store for a chat.

Christmas Opening Hours 2023

Christmas Opening Hours 2023 150 150 katesheppard

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year… Here’s to a lovely holiday, and a very prosperous and healthy happy horsey new year! See you on Tuesday 2nd January 2024

HackWear Hi-Viz Safety Jacket

HackWear Hi-Viz Safety Jacket 150 150 katesheppard

Our HackWear Hi-Viz Safety Jacket is brilliant for hacking out or working on the yard. If you want to be warm and seen this is the jacket for you. Both light weight, warm and showerproof. There are three zip pockets to keep your phone and valuables safe whilst riding. There is a also a useful velcro closure pocket on the inside. I wore this jacket all last winter.. love it! Available in store and online.

We’re Open 9am – 3pm Saturday 4th November

We’re Open 9am – 3pm Saturday 4th November 150 150 katesheppard

The ever famous Lewes Bonfire celebrations run this year on Saturday 4th of November. We will be open for our usual Saturday hours 9am – 3pm. Our plentiful private parking at the front of our shop is uninterrupted by the bonfire celebrations. Road closures are imposed from 4pm. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend with or without Bonfire.